
Calendar 2024

Annual Calendar

Statistical events Note Statistical domain
Exchange rates - Daily Updated every working day Exchange rates
Money Market - Daily Updated on the fourth working day of the week (Thursday) and on the first working day of the month Money market
Effective exchange rates - Daily Updated on the fourth working day of the month Exchange rates indices
Composite Indicator of Financial Stress - Daily Updated on the first working day of the week and on the first working day of the month Financial stability indicators
Secondary market - Daily Updated on the first working day of the week and on the second working day of the month Secondary market
Domain Statistical subdomain Frequency Statistical events Date Reference period
General government General government financial accounts quarterly General government financial accounts - Quarterly 25/03/2024 2023 Q4
24/06/2024 2024 Q1
23/09/2024 2024 Q2
23/12/2024 2024 Q3
Non-financial accounts of General government quarterly Revenue and expenditure of General Government - Quarterly 25/03/2024 2023 Q4
24/06/2024 2024 Q1
23/09/2024 2024 Q2
23/12/2024 2024 Q3
General government debt monthly General Government debt - Monthly 02/01/2024 Nov. 2023
01/02/2024 Dec. 2023
01/03/2024 Jan. 2024
01/04/2024 Feb. 2024
02/05/2024 Mar. 2024
03/06/2024 Apr. 2024
01/07/2024 May. 2024
01/08/2024 Jun. 2024
02/09/2024 Jul. 2024
01/10/2024 Aug. 2024
04/11/2024 Sep. 2024
02/12/2024 Oct. 2024
monthly General government debt - Monthly - Additional details 22/01/2024 Nov. 2023
21/02/2024 Dec. 2023
25/03/2024 Jan. 2024
22/04/2024 Feb. 2024
22/05/2024 Mar. 2024
24/06/2024 Apr. 2024
23/07/2024 May. 2024
22/08/2024 Jun. 2024
23/09/2024 Jul. 2024
22/10/2024 Aug. 2024
21/11/2024 Sep. 2024
23/12/2024 Oct. 2024
monthly Direct State debt - Monthly 22/01/2024 Dec. 2023
21/02/2024 Jan. 2024
22/03/2024 Feb. 2024
22/04/2024 Mar. 2024
22/05/2024 Apr. 2024
20/06/2024 May. 2024
23/07/2024 Jun. 2024
22/08/2024 Jul. 2024
20/09/2024 Aug. 2024
22/10/2024 Sep. 2024
21/11/2024 Oct. 2024
20/12/2024 Nov. 2024
quarterly General Government debt in % of GDP - Quarterly 01/02/2024 2023 Q4
02/05/2024 2024 Q1
01/08/2024 2024 Q2
04/11/2024 2024 Q3
quarterly Public Finances statistics - Net lending/Net borrowing, debt and adjustment between Net lending/Net borrowing and debt change - Quarterly 25/03/2024 2023 Q4
24/06/2024 2024 Q1
23/09/2024 2024 Q2
23/12/2024 2024 Q3
Budget Outturn monthly Budget outturn - Monthly 03/01/2024 Nov. 2023
02/02/2024 Dec. 2023
04/03/2024 Jan. 2024
02/04/2024 Feb. 2024
03/05/2024 Mar. 2024
04/06/2024 Apr. 2024
02/07/2024 May. 2024
02/08/2024 Jun. 2024
03/09/2024 Jul. 2024
02/10/2024 Aug. 2024
05/11/2024 Sep. 2024
03/12/2024 Oct. 2024
General government financing monthly General Government financing - Monthly 02/01/2024 Nov. 2023
01/02/2024 Dec. 2023
01/03/2024 Jan. 2024
01/04/2024 Feb. 2024
02/05/2024 Mar. 2024
03/06/2024 Apr. 2024
01/07/2024 May. 2024
01/08/2024 Jun. 2024
02/09/2024 Jul. 2024
01/10/2024 Aug. 2024
04/11/2024 Sep. 2024
02/12/2024 Oct. 2024
monthly General Government financing - Monthly - Additional details 22/01/2024 Nov. 2023
21/02/2024 Dec. 2023
22/03/2024 Jan. 2024
22/04/2024 Feb. 2024
22/05/2024 Mar. 2024
20/06/2024 Apr. 2024
23/07/2024 May. 2024
22/08/2024 Jun. 2024
20/09/2024 Jul. 2024
22/10/2024 Aug. 2024
21/11/2024 Sep. 2024
20/12/2024 Oct. 2024
quarterly General Government financing in % of GDP - Quarterly 01/02/2024 2023 Q4
02/05/2024 2024 Q1
01/08/2024 2024 Q2
04/11/2024 2024 Q3
General government interventions to support financial institutions annual General government interventions to support financial institutions - Annual 25/03/2024 2023
National accounts National financial accounts quarterly National financial accounts - Quarterly 10/01/2024 2023 Q3
12/04/2024 2023 Q4
10/07/2024 2024 Q1
10/10/2024 2024 Q2
National financial accounts - Interlinkages between sectors quarterly National financial accounts - Interlinkages between sectors - Quarterly 10/01/2024 2023 Q3
12/04/2024 2023 Q4
10/07/2024 2024 Q1
10/10/2024 2024 Q2
Cash issuance Cash issuance monthly Cash issuance - Monthly 19/01/2024 Dec. 2023
16/02/2024 Jan. 2024
15/03/2024 Feb. 2024
15/04/2024 Mar. 2024
17/05/2024 Apr. 2024
21/06/2024 May. 2024
15/07/2024 Jun. 2024
16/08/2024 Jul. 2024
16/09/2024 Aug. 2024
14/10/2024 Sep. 2024
18/11/2024 Oct. 2024
16/12/2024 Nov. 2024
Corporations from the central balance-sheet database International comparison annual International comparison 12/04/2024 2022
11/10/2024 2022
Annual economic and financial indicators of the non-financial corporations annual Annual economic and financial indicators of the non-financial corporations 12/04/2024 2022
11/10/2024 2023
Quarterly economic and financial indicators of the non-financial corporations quarterly Quarterly economic and financial indicators of the non-financial corporations 04/01/2024 2023 Q3
04/04/2024 2023 Q4
05/07/2024 2024 Q1
03/10/2024 2024 Q2
Indebtedness of the non-financial sector Indebtedness of the non-financial sector monthly Indebtedness of the non financial sector - Monthly 23/01/2024 Nov. 2023
22/02/2024 Dec. 2023
22/03/2024 Jan. 2024
23/04/2024 Feb. 2024
23/05/2024 Mar. 2024
21/06/2024 Apr. 2024
24/07/2024 May. 2024
23/08/2024 Jun. 2024
20/09/2024 Jul. 2024
23/10/2024 Aug. 2024
22/11/2024 Sep. 2024
20/12/2024 Oct. 2024
quarterly Indebtedness of the non financial sector - Quarterly 22/02/2024 2023 Q4
23/05/2024 2024 Q1
23/08/2024 2024 Q2
22/11/2024 2024 Q3
Globalisation statistics International banking statistics on a consolidated basis quarterly International consolidated banking statistics - Quarterly 10/01/2024 2023 Q3
10/04/2024 2023 Q4
10/07/2024 2024 Q1
09/10/2024 2024 Q2
Foreign Direct Investment - Ultimate Investor quarterly Direct investment - Ultimate Investor (quarterly) 20/02/2024 2023 Q4
17/05/2024 2024 Q1
20/08/2024 2024 Q2
19/11/2024 2024 Q3
Foreign Direct Investment - Directional Principle monthly Foreign Direct Investment - Directional Principle (monthly) 18/01/2024 Nov. 2023
20/02/2024 Dec. 2023
21/03/2024 Jan. 2024
18/04/2024 Feb. 2024
17/05/2024 Mar. 2024
19/06/2024 Apr. 2024
19/07/2024 May. 2024
20/08/2024 Jun. 2024
19/09/2024 Jul. 2024
18/10/2024 Aug. 2024
19/11/2024 Sep. 2024
19/12/2024 Oct. 2024
External statistics Balance of payments monthly Balance of payments - Monthly 18/01/2024 Nov. 2023
20/02/2024 Dec. 2023
21/03/2024 Jan. 2024
18/04/2024 Feb. 2024
17/05/2024 Mar. 2024
19/06/2024 Apr. 2024
19/07/2024 May. 2024
20/08/2024 Jun. 2024
19/09/2024 Jul. 2024
18/10/2024 Aug. 2024
19/11/2024 Sep. 2024
19/12/2024 Oct. 2024
monthly Preliminary indicator for the travel item of balance of payments - Monthly 30/01/2024 Dec. 2023
29/02/2024 Jan. 2024
28/03/2024 Feb. 2024
30/04/2024 Mar. 2024
31/05/2024 Apr. 2024
28/06/2024 May. 2024
30/07/2024 Jun. 2024
30/08/2024 Jul. 2024
30/09/2024 Aug. 2024
30/10/2024 Sep. 2024
29/11/2024 Oct. 2024
30/12/2024 Nov. 2024
International investment position quarterly International Investment Position - Quarterly 20/02/2024 2023 Q4
17/05/2024 2024 Q1
20/08/2024 2024 Q2
19/11/2024 2024 Q3
International reserves monthly Template on International Reserves - Portugal - Monthly 19/01/2024 Dec. 2023
21/02/2024 Jan. 2024
21/03/2024 Feb. 2024
19/04/2024 Mar. 2024
21/05/2024 Apr. 2024
21/06/2024 May. 2024
19/07/2024 Jun. 2024
21/08/2024 Jul. 2024
20/09/2024 Aug. 2024
21/10/2024 Sep. 2024
21/11/2024 Oct. 2024
20/12/2024 Nov. 2024
Regional statistics Loans monthly Regional statistics on loans - Monthly 27/02/2024 Jan. 2024
28/03/2024 Feb. 2024
26/04/2024 Mar. 2024
29/05/2024 Apr. 2024
27/06/2024 May. 2024
25/07/2024 Jun. 2024
28/08/2024 Jul. 2024
26/09/2024 Aug. 2024
25/10/2024 Sep. 2024
28/11/2024 Oct. 2024
Economic and financial indicators of corporations annual Regional economic and financial indicators of corporations - Annual - revisions 2022 12/04/2024 2022
annual Regional economic and financial indicators of corporations - Annual 11/10/2024 2023
Inward direct investment annual Regional statistics on direct investment - Annual 27/02/2024 2023
Economic activity indicators Coincident indicators monthly Coincident indicators - Monthly 18/01/2024 Dec. 2023
15/02/2024 Jan. 2024
14/03/2024 Feb. 2024
18/04/2024 Mar. 2024
16/05/2024 Apr. 2024
20/06/2024 May. 2024
18/07/2024 Jun. 2024
16/08/2024 Jul. 2024
12/09/2024 Aug. 2024
17/10/2024 Sep. 2024
14/11/2024 Oct. 2024
12/12/2024 Nov. 2024
Financial stability indicators Financial stability indicators monthly Composite Indicator of Financial Stress - Monthly 02/01/2024 Dec. 2023
01/02/2024 Jan. 2024
01/03/2024 Feb. 2024
01/04/2024 Mar. 2024
02/05/2024 Apr. 2024
03/06/2024 May. 2024
01/07/2024 Jun. 2024
01/08/2024 Jul. 2024
02/09/2024 Aug. 2024
01/10/2024 Sep. 2024
04/11/2024 Oct. 2024
02/12/2024 Nov. 2024
quarterly Financial stability indicators - Quartely 28/03/2024 2023 Q4
27/06/2024 2024 Q1
30/09/2024 2024 Q2
31/12/2024 2024 Q3
Banking system information Banking system information quarterly Banking system information - Quarterly 28/03/2024 2023 Q4
27/06/2024 2024 Q1
30/09/2024 2024 Q2
31/12/2024 2024 Q3
Financial markets Securities issuance monthly Securities Issues - Monthly 09/01/2024 Nov. 2023
08/02/2024 Dec. 2023
08/03/2024 Jan. 2024
18/03/2024 Feb. 2024
16/04/2024 Mar. 2024
20/05/2024 Apr. 2024
19/06/2024 May. 2024
16/07/2024 Jun. 2024
19/08/2024 Jul. 2024
17/09/2024 Aug. 2024
16/10/2024 Sep. 2024
20/11/2024 Oct. 2024
17/12/2024 Nov. 2024
Secondary market monthly Secondary market - Monthly 03/01/2024 Dec. 2023
02/02/2024 Jan. 2024
04/03/2024 Feb. 2024
02/04/2024 Mar. 2024
03/05/2024 Apr. 2024
04/06/2024 May. 2024
02/07/2024 Jun. 2024
02/08/2024 Jul. 2024
03/09/2024 Aug. 2024
02/10/2024 Sep. 2024
05/11/2024 Oct. 2024
03/12/2024 Nov. 2024
Exchange rates monthly Exchange rates - Monthly 02/01/2024 Dec. 2023
01/02/2024 Jan. 2024
01/03/2024 Feb. 2024
01/04/2024 Mar. 2024
02/05/2024 Apr. 2024
03/06/2024 May. 2024
01/07/2024 Jun. 2024
01/08/2024 Jul. 2024
02/09/2024 Aug. 2024
01/10/2024 Sep. 2024
04/11/2024 Oct. 2024
02/12/2024 Nov. 2024
Monetary and financial Monetary financial institutions' balance sheet monthly Monetary financial institutions' balance sheet - Monthly 02/01/2024 Nov. 2023
26/01/2024 Dec. 2023
27/02/2024 Jan. 2024
28/03/2024 Feb. 2024
26/04/2024 Mar. 2024
29/05/2024 Apr. 2024
27/06/2024 May. 2024
25/07/2024 Jun. 2024
28/08/2024 Jul. 2024
26/09/2024 Aug. 2024
25/10/2024 Sep. 2024
28/11/2024 Oct. 2024
monthly Central Bank Balance Sheet - Monthly 11/01/2024 Dec. 2023
12/02/2024 Jan. 2024
12/03/2024 Feb. 2024
10/04/2024 Mar. 2024
13/05/2024 Apr. 2024
14/06/2024 May. 2024
10/07/2024 Jun. 2024
12/08/2024 Jul. 2024
11/09/2024 Aug. 2024
10/10/2024 Sep. 2024
13/11/2024 Oct. 2024
11/12/2024 Nov. 2024
Investment funds balance sheet monthly Investment Funds Balance Sheet - Monthly 17/01/2024 Nov. 2023
12/02/2024 Dec. 2023
13/03/2024 Jan. 2024
16/04/2024 Feb. 2024
16/05/2024 Mar. 2024
14/06/2024 Apr. 2024
15/07/2024 May. 2024
09/08/2024 Jun. 2024
12/09/2024 Jul. 2024
11/10/2024 Aug. 2024
13/11/2024 Sep. 2024
13/12/2024 Oct. 2024
Other financial intermediaries, financial auxiliaries and captive financial institutions and money lenders balance sheet quarterly OFIFA Balance Sheet - Quarterly 21/03/2024 2023 Q4
25/06/2024 2024 Q1
20/09/2024 2024 Q2
20/12/2024 2024 Q3
Loans for house purchase monthly Loans for house purchase - Monthly 05/01/2024 Nov. 2023
01/02/2024 Dec. 2023
04/03/2024 Jan. 2024
05/04/2024 Feb. 2024
03/05/2024 Mar. 2024
05/06/2024 Apr. 2024
04/07/2024 May. 2024
31/07/2024 Jun. 2024
03/09/2024 Jul. 2024
02/10/2024 Aug. 2024
31/10/2024 Sep. 2024
04/12/2024 Oct. 2024
Interest rates monthly Interest rates - Monthly 05/01/2024 Nov. 2023
01/02/2024 Dec. 2023
04/03/2024 Jan. 2024
05/04/2024 Feb. 2024
03/05/2024 Mar. 2024
05/06/2024 Apr. 2024
04/07/2024 May. 2024
31/07/2024 Jun. 2024
03/09/2024 Jul. 2024
02/10/2024 Aug. 2024
31/10/2024 Sep. 2024
04/12/2024 Oct. 2024
Monetary policy Liquidity autonomous factors monthly Liquidity autonomous factors - Monthly 04/01/2024 Dec. 2023
05/02/2024 Jan. 2024
05/03/2024 Feb. 2024
03/04/2024 Mar. 2024
06/05/2024 Apr. 2024
05/06/2024 May. 2024
03/07/2024 Jun. 2024
05/08/2024 Jul. 2024
04/09/2024 Aug. 2024
03/10/2024 Sep. 2024
06/11/2024 Oct. 2024
04/12/2024 Nov. 2024
Instruments monthly Monetary policy instruments 02/02/2024 Feb. 2024
15/03/2024 Mar. 2024
19/04/2024 Apr. 2024
14/06/2024 Jun. 2024
26/07/2024 Jul. 2024
20/09/2024 Sep. 2024
25/10/2024 Oct. 2024
20/12/2024 Dec. 2024
Money market monthly Money Market - Monthly 02/01/2024 Dec. 2023
01/02/2024 Jan. 2024
01/03/2024 Feb. 2024
02/04/2024 Mar. 2024
02/05/2024 Apr. 2024
03/06/2024 May. 2024
01/07/2024 Jun. 2024
01/08/2024 Jul. 2024
02/09/2024 Aug. 2024
01/10/2024 Sep. 2024
04/11/2024 Oct. 2024
02/12/2024 Nov. 2024
Prices Exchange rates indices monthly Effective exchange rates - Monthly 05/01/2024 Dec. 2023
06/02/2024 Jan. 2024
06/03/2024 Feb. 2024
05/04/2024 Mar. 2024
07/05/2024 Apr. 2024
06/06/2024 May. 2024
04/07/2024 Jun. 2024
06/08/2024 Jul. 2024
05/09/2024 Aug. 2024
07/10/2024 Sep. 2024
07/11/2024 Oct. 2024
05/12/2024 Nov. 2024
Harmonised index of consumer prices monthly Harmonised index of consumer prices - Monthly 11/01/2024 Dec. 2023
12/02/2024 Jan. 2024
12/03/2024 Feb. 2024
10/04/2024 Mar. 2024
13/05/2024 Apr. 2024
14/06/2024 May. 2024
10/07/2024 Jun. 2024
12/08/2024 Jul. 2024
11/09/2024 Aug. 2024
10/10/2024 Sep. 2024
13/11/2024 Oct. 2024
11/12/2024 Nov. 2024
Payment systems and instruments Payment systems and instruments annual Payment systems and instruments in Portugal - Annual 21/06/2024 2023
monthly Interbank clearing and settlement systems - Monthly 23/01/2024 Dec. 2023
21/02/2024 Jan. 2024
21/03/2024 Feb. 2024
23/04/2024 Mar. 2024
21/05/2024 Apr. 2024
21/06/2024 May. 2024
23/07/2024 Jun. 2024
21/08/2024 Jul. 2024
24/09/2024 Aug. 2024
22/10/2024 Sep. 2024
21/11/2024 Oct. 2024
23/12/2024 Nov. 2024